Monday, November 16, 2009

Dateline: Day Fifty eight

Ok I know I have not had an entry in about a week.  There is a good reason for that.  I am again a resident of Indiana.  I am back home. 

Now, do not misconstrew this. I am not done.  I still have things in the works but the money was just running out and it seems to me more cost effective for us as a family for me to come home and fly back out when necessary.  I also have a few things in the works for around here.  There is a fairly lage regional commercial industry here.  Basically the lines are from Chicago to Cincy to St. Louis with Indy in between.  I have two contacts out of Indy who cast commercials.  I may have to commute to Chicago or somewhere but still. 

I am planning on flying back out to LA sometime in Dec. to meet with two more agents so we'll see.  Now this is all my short term plan.  I do have a long term plan which puts me back out in LA sooner than on might think. 

Although nothig is written in stone I am confident I will be back out in LA and start working.  I had so much possitive happen that I cannot turn my back on that.  I had said that I was going out to test the waters and see what kind of feedback I got.  I got nothing but possitive feedback.  If I had hit nothing but brick walls then I could come home and live out my life as planned and not have regrets. 

So, that's where I stand.  This is my last entry until I go back out.  I will be sure to let you all know when that  is.  Don't worry.  Santa can still find me here at least for a couple more Christmases.:)

I hope you all have a wondrful day!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dateline: Day Fityone

I am writing to you in the morning.  A blog first.  Usually I unwind by checking e-mail, reading interesting news articles (because I don't have tv here) and then I blog.  Some nights I forget or am just beat.  Well yesterday was a good day.  I went to meet with John D'Aquino at around 2 to talk about my plans for when I return out here sometime in the future.  He also talked about a summer camp that he wants me to help him with. 

Then I went to visit my friend Jerry who just had surgery last week and is doing well, but is having difficulty getting around.  So I visited with him and Nancy Larson (she took my headhshots).  And I also met Larry who is a Hensen Puppeteer.  He has worked with the Hensen Muppet family for a quite awhile, just before Jim Hensen's death  I believe. 

Then I went to my acting class.  I requested to go first or second because I had to be at LAX by 9 to pick up a friend from the airport.  He agreed so Paul and I did our scene.  As I was anticipating, the scene was better last week.  But that's how things go. 

So I made the 30 mile drive over the hill to LAX to pick Ben up.  He's never been here and it was a thrill.  It reminded me of my first time out here twelve years ago.  You can't believe how different everything looks.  Honestly, how clean everything looks.  Because there's really no inclimate weather out here it's easier to keep it looking good...and I mean the entire city.  Yes, there are rundown areas where people ruin the properties, but the weather doesn't erode the crisp look of the buildings nearly as fast.  Also, the buildings all look different.  The materials they use are different and the style is usually a Spanish motife.   The houses...even the expensive ones...are all tiny compared to home.  Only the nicer houses really have yards. But there are parks all over.  The farther you move from downtown LA and move farther north, the bigger the yard get.  Where I live the yards probably average 30X20 or so. 

So I took him to Bob's Big Boy to eat.  That's where Bob Hope used to frequent, along with James Dean, Elvis, and Jay Leno when he would finish shooting The Tonight Show.  It was a good meal. 

Now today I found out that Japheth is directing a movie today here in Burbank. So we are going to the set for a little bit, then it's off to downtown Burbank to hang out.  It's supposed to be 77 and partly cloudy.  A change from yesterday's 87 and sunny.  Tomorrow it might actually rain a little. I havn't seen a drop in about five weeks.  To be honest I haven't missed it.

I hope you all have a great day!!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty Eight

It's been a few days, I know.  But things are really stating to slow down.  I was always told that November starts the slow season and it lasts through January.  Well if it wasn't for Camp Halloween last week, I would of had nothing to really tell you about. 

BUT, I did meet with ESI Management Thursday.  I think I mispoke earlier but they are managers not agents.  I had to ask around to find out what the difference was.  Basically a manager will "groom you" and direct your career.   They are supposed to be professional and knowledgable in how to mold an actor.  They also can help get agents for their clients.  So I met with them.  I got the same response as before.  "If you were out here full time we would sign you on the spot."  UGH!!

So Friday was a bust.  Then today I went to acting class.  The kids class at 9 were fun, but the kids always are. Then the 11 adult class.  In between I talked to Japheth some.  He said that he and his girlfriend, Adrien, had been talking about my situation this past week.  He said that anyone else he'd tell them to go back home and just enjoy doing theater or local work.  But he said in my case, because I have accomplished more in two months (less than actually) than anybody else would have in two years; plus all the possitive feedback from people who had no reason to give it if it wasn't true, there's no way he could say "don't come back".  "You almost have to come back after this".  He said that what has happened to me is truly unusual and that anyone would kill to have those same things happen to them.

You may be asking why I'm not staying permenantly.  Money.  It's running out.  I said all along that I would have to be making money out here to stay past Jan.1.  Well, I am not making money.  I am knocking on the door, but who knows how long it might take for that door to open for me.  So, yes,  I am coming home.  I still have some things in the works out here that I could be called back to LA on a day's notice for.  If that happens I'll have to deal with it and fly back to 75 degree sunshiny weather.  What a bummer that would be. 

But for now I am still here and still trying to move forward until I come home.  As long as I can keep making progress it will make the next time I come out easier.

So tomorrow is Sunday and this town closes down on Sundays.  So I will be doing laundry and working on screenplays and reading a lot. 

I hope you all have a great day!!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty Five

Ok, ok.  So I missed a few days.  Actually I had intened on writing last night but by the time I got home I was tired and went to bed. 

A few things to report.  I finally got a phone call from The Affinity Agency.  But it was a little irritating.  Kyle, the assistant, said that he had not recieved my headshot from Ross, the agent.  So I had to resubmit my headshot and resume to him via e-mail and then we would go from there.  Well that was Monday and no call yet. 

I have been trying to get jobs as an extra on shows but hve been unsuccessful.  Here's the basic rule of thumb out here.  You have to pay to get payed.  As you may recall I registered with Central Casting last Monday.  That cost me $25 just to apply.  Well I waited a week to start looking for work because of John's Camp Holloween that ran fromTuesday through Sunday.  So Sunday night I started trying to get work through Central Casting.  Well there's a hotine you call.  It's like pulling teeth to get through to the hotline.  Then when you do and you hear a request from an extra casting director for a part you fit you then have to call them.  I have yet to get through to one of the to leave my info.  I hit redial for over an hour the other night and could not get through. 

Now there is what's called a call in service who will book jobs for you...but they charge $75 a month to do that for you.  So again, if you want to come out here and do anything in the entertainment field you had better bring your nickels and dimes because that is what they do to you.. nickel and dime you.

However there is some good news.  From the workshop over the weekend I got a call from The ESI Agency and I have an appointment with them tomorrow at 12:30 (3:30 for you Hoosiers) to discuss reprsentation.

For related news I am coming home for Thanksgiving.  Not sure if I will come back or not.  It's a lot of money to stay out here.  If I don't I will be pursuing things from home.  It all depends on what ESI tells me tomorrow.  The agent knows I am out here temporarily but he still wanted the interview.  So we'll just have to wait and see. 

Also when I come home for Tgiving I will leave where I am staying for good.  If I come back I will find cheaper lodgings. 

My scene last night for John Kirby's class went very well.  He loved what we did but he did have a couple notes.  The last week for that scene is next Tuesday. 

And I think you all are caught up.  Trying to conserve money as much as possible now.  Gas jumped the other day to $3.20 a gallon.  It was steady at $3.05 for a while.  But it's still in the mid 80's everyday and sunny, so what's to complain but.:)

I hope you all have a great day!!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty Two

Saturday and today were fun.  We went over our scenes for the showcase with the kids yestderday (Saturday).  It's amazing.  Yesterday some of the kids were still searching for lines and today they blew the ten agents and managers away.  It was great.  My scene was with Alan, a twelve year old who really looks more like he's eight, and Japheth.  Japheth and I were prison guards and we bring Alan in to wait to see his dad.  Alan talks about when his dad gets out of prison everything will be great.  As little Alan runs off to go see his dad I remark how it's cool how he has his future with his dad planned out.  Japheth's character then tells me that he will never see his dad outside of prison because his dad's on death row. 

What was neat about the day was eventhough the day was for the kids I had a few of the agents and managers approach me and tell me how good I did.  I was not expecting that.  My part of the scene was mostly listening.  I have learned out here that if you can give the illusion that you are listening and react to the dialog as if you have never heard it, that is somewhat of a lost art form, and apparently I do that well. 

So today went well.  After the showcase Robbie Ritman and Aaron Messer wanted to go to a petting zoo just off the 101.  So I took them to City Walk instead.  I'm not stupid.  We'd get kicked out of a petting zoo within five minutes for scaring the animals.  So we walked around City Walk at Universal Studios and jus hung out.  We grabbed dinner and went and saw "Zombieland".  Then we walked around until we found Zen Zone and had an aqua massage, aroma therapy, ultrasound massage, and some type of scalp massager.  We were there about an hour and a half. The lady said that the night before Rob Schnieder came in and bought some stuff.  Last week Chris Mullinz and Deon Sanders came in.  Also Jon Lovitz has a comedy club on the City Walk and apparenly he's a frequent client of the store's.  Anyway, it was fun.  Plus, both Rob and Aaron got calls from Agents who saw the showcase.  How cool is that? 

So tomorrow I have some administraive things to do and I need to call the agency from last week who I couldn't get a hold of and try again. 

That's about it.  I hope you all have a great day!!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty

Some pretty wonderful things happening over the past couple of days.  Unfortunately all these things have done are make things very frustrating at the same time.  I'll explain.  On Wednesday if you remember, Joey Paul from Disney told me to go to Michael Zucker Agency and give him my headshot and resume.  So I leave the workshop yesterday during lunch to hand deliver.  I had called and was told by an automated voice that they don't accept drop offs.  But Japheth thought it would be worth it to try anyway.  So I drove the 23 miles past Encino, past Beverly Hills, all the way to Augora Hills.  It took me over a half our to get there with traffic.  I walk in and hear a female voice from down a hall. She asked if I was there to see Michael.  I said no and tried to fnd the bodyless voice.  I walked past a corner office and an older gentleman told me to wait in the waiting room and he would be out with me.  I should also say that there was no receptionist or desk in the waitng area.  But he came out and got me.  It was Mr. Zucker.  Took my headshot and I told him that Joey Paul had sent me. We went to his office and we talked.  He said that when he saw me and saw my size and general look that was why he let me drop it off.  Then when I told him about Joey Paul that is why he brought me into his office.  He told me that when I start to go on auditions I will get to know the other 20 guys who look like me and are going for those roles quickly.  That is how few of my type there are.  But he also said that if Joey Paul sent me then  must have something good.  We talked and he asked me if I was living out in LA permenantly.  I didn't lie and told him that I was out to feel out the waters but if something happened I would stay.  He said that he would not take me on unless I was already established out here jobwise and homewise.  He did say, however, that if I was establised, he would sign me on the spot.  He also said that if I ever get to LA permenantly I should look him up becuase he would sign me then.  Now that's one kicker, here's the other.  He told me when I come back out to have $2000 saved up to give to him for new headshots and acting classes.  I told Japheth and John about that and they both said that that was highly unusual and it sounded like a kickback scam situation.

Now if you also remembrer I was going to an agent workshop on Wednesday night. While I was talking to Japheth about the whole situation with Mr. Zucker, Affinity Artists Agency called from the workshop and told me to set up a time to interview with them because they wanted to represent me.  I called twice leaving a message today and yesterday and I haven't heard back.  But I will try again Monday.

Then today I went to Beverly Hills off of Wilshire and auditioned for a commecial agent.  I was reffered by Adrien, Japheth's girlfriend.  So I drive all the way out there and go in.  There's one other guy waiting.  This audition is an open audition and none of us were really competing, we were just showing our stuff and then they decide if they want to represent us or not.  So I audition and I'm told that it would be a couple weeks before I would hear anything.  AAAGGGHH!!  I  need to know now.  It's getting close to the dead season and I would like to have something worked out now!!!

A funny side note.  When I walked into the commercial casting agency for the audition there was a large Italian looking man sitting on the couch.  I recognized him right away.  I had just watched the new "The Longest Yard" with Adam Sandler the othe night and I recognized him as Tony, the big guy from Kent State Penn who collapsed during the run and yelled for someone to bring him a Diet Coke.  He did say hi back but I think he knew I recognized him.  Anyway, I have not gotten used to the fact that you can run into anyone at anytime anywhere out here.  It's just not like that back home.

So anyway, alot going on.  But it feels like when I take a step forward I get pushed a step back.  Or at least sometimes it feels that way.  So I set up an interview with the agent and then I start putting in for extra work probably Tuesday.  So we'll see what happens.

That's about it for today.  I hope you all have a great day!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dateline: Day Thirty Eight

I've been pretty buy the past couple of days.  The kids workshop with John D. started today  Technically I am a camper with the kids but it's because I am the only "worker" who is not a professional (has been paid for an acting job).

But Tuesday went well.  My friend Jerry Gelb came in and taught a class on finding the physical in a character.  All characters have different physicalities.  Then we heard from Judy Savage who is a child agent.  I asked her, more for convesation than anthing else, how I could go about getting an agent and she told me that because I was heavy I had to do standup comedy and perfect a "character" like Larry The Cable Guy, Tim Allen, Roseanne, and others.  She said that because I am over 21 I won't be able to get an agent in LA.  Now keep this conversation in mind for later!  Go ahead.  Put it in the back pocket of your mind.  There ya go.

So last night I went to my acting class and did the scene with my new partner for the first time.  This is where frustration can set in.  The scene is set in rural Texas.  It was written with a lot of "Yeps and Ya'lls".  So I played it with a southern or hick accent.  I was told not to play the accent.  That's frustrating.  I do what the character screams for and it's wrong.  But the last scene I did I brought down the Italian accent for the second he asked...and he told me I needed MORE accent then.  He definately knows what he want out of a scene.  But that was the only real note I got, so the interpreation of the scene was right on. 

Today was fun at camp.  Japheth started the day with some improve work, the we met Joey Paul.  She was in Marion for the CSA sitcom in July and I was able to do  a cold read of a scene for her.  She had high praise for me back then.  So we all were able to do scenes for her today as well.  She gave notes after the first run then we went again.  I did my scene with Nick.  It was a scene from "That's So Raven".  Oh!  Did I mention that Joey Paul is basically the lead casting director for Disney?  So I played a schoolyard bully who pushes poor Nick around for his lunch.  So we do the scene and she gives some brief notes.  After she just says that the scene was good and looks at me and says "you're funny".  She then asks if I have agent representation.  I tell her no and he asks how long I'm out here for.  I tell her that it's up in the air and she said that she would talk to John D. after the class.  So after the class John calls me up front and Ms. Paul tells me to send my headshot and resume to Michael Zanuck who has his own agency.  She said to make sure in the cover letter that I menion that she referred me to him.  I talked to John and he confirmed that having her refer me is a big deal.  So I am sending my info out tomorrow.  I'm not sure if I will mail it or drive it over.  It's a half our drive one way and that's a lot of gas in LA with all the starting and stopping.  Plus with traffic it could be an hour one way.  Anyway, not sure yet. 

So tonight I go to the agent workshop in West Hollywood.  This is where I as able to do a scene in front of five agents.  It was very cool.  They gave no feedback or anythng and you could not have your lines in your hands.  You had to do it completely by memory.  I've done so many scenes since I've been out here hat I really wasn't that nervous.  Not sure what he agents thought but three people from the class that i have never met before came up to me and told me how good my partner and I did the scene.  So we'll see if anything comes from that. 

So that's about it.  More workshop with the kids tomorrow.  Then tomorrow night it's laundry.  My only free night this week.  So for anyone out there who feels the urge, please pray for me, it's going well, but slower than I had hoped.  Honestly, I would imagine that I am further along than most people who come out here.  I owe that to my friends who are here to help me. 

Well that's about it.  I hope you all have a great day!
