Friday, October 30, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty

Some pretty wonderful things happening over the past couple of days.  Unfortunately all these things have done are make things very frustrating at the same time.  I'll explain.  On Wednesday if you remember, Joey Paul from Disney told me to go to Michael Zucker Agency and give him my headshot and resume.  So I leave the workshop yesterday during lunch to hand deliver.  I had called and was told by an automated voice that they don't accept drop offs.  But Japheth thought it would be worth it to try anyway.  So I drove the 23 miles past Encino, past Beverly Hills, all the way to Augora Hills.  It took me over a half our to get there with traffic.  I walk in and hear a female voice from down a hall. She asked if I was there to see Michael.  I said no and tried to fnd the bodyless voice.  I walked past a corner office and an older gentleman told me to wait in the waiting room and he would be out with me.  I should also say that there was no receptionist or desk in the waitng area.  But he came out and got me.  It was Mr. Zucker.  Took my headshot and I told him that Joey Paul had sent me. We went to his office and we talked.  He said that when he saw me and saw my size and general look that was why he let me drop it off.  Then when I told him about Joey Paul that is why he brought me into his office.  He told me that when I start to go on auditions I will get to know the other 20 guys who look like me and are going for those roles quickly.  That is how few of my type there are.  But he also said that if Joey Paul sent me then  must have something good.  We talked and he asked me if I was living out in LA permenantly.  I didn't lie and told him that I was out to feel out the waters but if something happened I would stay.  He said that he would not take me on unless I was already established out here jobwise and homewise.  He did say, however, that if I was establised, he would sign me on the spot.  He also said that if I ever get to LA permenantly I should look him up becuase he would sign me then.  Now that's one kicker, here's the other.  He told me when I come back out to have $2000 saved up to give to him for new headshots and acting classes.  I told Japheth and John about that and they both said that that was highly unusual and it sounded like a kickback scam situation.

Now if you also remembrer I was going to an agent workshop on Wednesday night. While I was talking to Japheth about the whole situation with Mr. Zucker, Affinity Artists Agency called from the workshop and told me to set up a time to interview with them because they wanted to represent me.  I called twice leaving a message today and yesterday and I haven't heard back.  But I will try again Monday.

Then today I went to Beverly Hills off of Wilshire and auditioned for a commecial agent.  I was reffered by Adrien, Japheth's girlfriend.  So I drive all the way out there and go in.  There's one other guy waiting.  This audition is an open audition and none of us were really competing, we were just showing our stuff and then they decide if they want to represent us or not.  So I audition and I'm told that it would be a couple weeks before I would hear anything.  AAAGGGHH!!  I  need to know now.  It's getting close to the dead season and I would like to have something worked out now!!!

A funny side note.  When I walked into the commercial casting agency for the audition there was a large Italian looking man sitting on the couch.  I recognized him right away.  I had just watched the new "The Longest Yard" with Adam Sandler the othe night and I recognized him as Tony, the big guy from Kent State Penn who collapsed during the run and yelled for someone to bring him a Diet Coke.  He did say hi back but I think he knew I recognized him.  Anyway, I have not gotten used to the fact that you can run into anyone at anytime anywhere out here.  It's just not like that back home.

So anyway, alot going on.  But it feels like when I take a step forward I get pushed a step back.  Or at least sometimes it feels that way.  So I set up an interview with the agent and then I start putting in for extra work probably Tuesday.  So we'll see what happens.

That's about it for today.  I hope you all have a great day!!


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