Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty Two

Saturday and today were fun.  We went over our scenes for the showcase with the kids yestderday (Saturday).  It's amazing.  Yesterday some of the kids were still searching for lines and today they blew the ten agents and managers away.  It was great.  My scene was with Alan, a twelve year old who really looks more like he's eight, and Japheth.  Japheth and I were prison guards and we bring Alan in to wait to see his dad.  Alan talks about when his dad gets out of prison everything will be great.  As little Alan runs off to go see his dad I remark how it's cool how he has his future with his dad planned out.  Japheth's character then tells me that he will never see his dad outside of prison because his dad's on death row. 

What was neat about the day was eventhough the day was for the kids I had a few of the agents and managers approach me and tell me how good I did.  I was not expecting that.  My part of the scene was mostly listening.  I have learned out here that if you can give the illusion that you are listening and react to the dialog as if you have never heard it, that is somewhat of a lost art form, and apparently I do that well. 

So today went well.  After the showcase Robbie Ritman and Aaron Messer wanted to go to a petting zoo just off the 101.  So I took them to City Walk instead.  I'm not stupid.  We'd get kicked out of a petting zoo within five minutes for scaring the animals.  So we walked around City Walk at Universal Studios and jus hung out.  We grabbed dinner and went and saw "Zombieland".  Then we walked around until we found Zen Zone and had an aqua massage, aroma therapy, ultrasound massage, and some type of scalp massager.  We were there about an hour and a half. The lady said that the night before Rob Schnieder came in and bought some stuff.  Last week Chris Mullinz and Deon Sanders came in.  Also Jon Lovitz has a comedy club on the City Walk and apparenly he's a frequent client of the store's.  Anyway, it was fun.  Plus, both Rob and Aaron got calls from Agents who saw the showcase.  How cool is that? 

So tomorrow I have some administraive things to do and I need to call the agency from last week who I couldn't get a hold of and try again. 

That's about it.  I hope you all have a great day!!


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