Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dateline: Day Forty Eight

It's been a few days, I know.  But things are really stating to slow down.  I was always told that November starts the slow season and it lasts through January.  Well if it wasn't for Camp Halloween last week, I would of had nothing to really tell you about. 

BUT, I did meet with ESI Management Thursday.  I think I mispoke earlier but they are managers not agents.  I had to ask around to find out what the difference was.  Basically a manager will "groom you" and direct your career.   They are supposed to be professional and knowledgable in how to mold an actor.  They also can help get agents for their clients.  So I met with them.  I got the same response as before.  "If you were out here full time we would sign you on the spot."  UGH!!

So Friday was a bust.  Then today I went to acting class.  The kids class at 9 were fun, but the kids always are. Then the 11 adult class.  In between I talked to Japheth some.  He said that he and his girlfriend, Adrien, had been talking about my situation this past week.  He said that anyone else he'd tell them to go back home and just enjoy doing theater or local work.  But he said in my case, because I have accomplished more in two months (less than actually) than anybody else would have in two years; plus all the possitive feedback from people who had no reason to give it if it wasn't true, there's no way he could say "don't come back".  "You almost have to come back after this".  He said that what has happened to me is truly unusual and that anyone would kill to have those same things happen to them.

You may be asking why I'm not staying permenantly.  Money.  It's running out.  I said all along that I would have to be making money out here to stay past Jan.1.  Well, I am not making money.  I am knocking on the door, but who knows how long it might take for that door to open for me.  So, yes,  I am coming home.  I still have some things in the works out here that I could be called back to LA on a day's notice for.  If that happens I'll have to deal with it and fly back to 75 degree sunshiny weather.  What a bummer that would be. 

But for now I am still here and still trying to move forward until I come home.  As long as I can keep making progress it will make the next time I come out easier.

So tomorrow is Sunday and this town closes down on Sundays.  So I will be doing laundry and working on screenplays and reading a lot. 

I hope you all have a great day!!


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