Friday, October 16, 2009

Dateline: Day Twenty Six

Today was fun.  We hung around the apartment after Conner got up at 4:00am!!  He definately doesn't understand about jet lag and abot trying to correct your inner clock.  It's 8:30pm now and he's out.  So we'll be up by 5 again I'm sure. 

Anyway, today was good.  We had breakfast...we all took a nap...then it was off to Venice Beach for a while.  At first Conner was no impressed with the beach.  In fact he screamed for the first twenty minutes or so we were there. We should have known something was up when he didn't want to be down in the sand.  Then Sharon took him to the water and it only got worse.  Finally she brought him back and sat with him on the blanket and he got better.  Then I came back from the water and Sharon left.  He cried some more but then he stopped and played in the sand a little.  Small victories.  I hope the next time he's at a beach he's better about it.  We'll see. 

Actually on our way to the beach we stopped at my friend Jerry's house to pic up my head shot disc.  I also added his picture to the left.  He has done some acting but has done more voice overs in TV and commercials. 

So then we came back to the apartment and had lunch and hung out for a while.  We then took Mulholand Drive up into the mountains and saw the Hollywood sign.  I posted a pic to the left. It was fun.  The drive took us on a VERY curvey road.  But the houses and thier views were spectacular. Sharon kept saying, someone famous has to live there.  I wouldn't bet against it.  It really was breathtaking.  Then we stopped at an overlook to the city one direction and a closeup view of the sign in the other. 

We then went to West Hollywood and had dinner at an International House Of Pancakes because kids eat free after 4pm.  We then found the Kodak theater where the Oscars are held.  Then back home to pic out the six head shots to have the photographer touch up.  I posted our favorite headshot to the left an a photo of me and Peter (the owner of the house).  Now it's off to bed.

Tomorrow I will go to John D's class briefly to meet a  producer friend of his and then at 1:00 I am going to a casting director's workshop with the casting director of "Bones".  But unlike last weeks workshop my scene is a cold read.  I won't see the scene until I get to the workshop.  That makes it harder.  But everyone is in the same boat.  After that we are going to dinner at a very nice place.  I can't remember the name off the top of my head but Todd Holt and I went there when we first got here and it was really good. 

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day.



  1. I figured Conner would have trouble with the 3 hour time difference. Good you can all take a nap though. Maybe he will be ready to enjoy South Padre Island in December. Keep on having fun with the family!

  2. I love the headshot picture you posted. Hope I get to see the rest sometime. I don't see the picture of your friend Jerry, but voice over stuff would be cool for you too! Glad you're having a great visit!

  3. We LOVE your mug shot, Charles!!!
    Praying for God to guide you every step of the way!
