Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dateline: Day Twenty Seven

Another good day today, but in a different way.  We got up at 5:30am and had breakfast and then a nap.  Then we got up, put our swimsuits on and went to the pool.  Eventhough it was in the mid 80's the water temp was cold because of the rain we got the beginning of the week.  But also because the way the courtyard is layed out the pool doesn't get much direct sunlight...especially in the later months because the sun is so low in the sky.  But I got in while Sharon and Conner splashed around sitting on the edge. 

I then got ready and went to the Casting Director's workshop in West Hollywood.  It's the same place and company that set it up last Saturday but a different CD.  Today's was from the Millikan Casting Agency who casts "Bones".  Also different is we didn't have any sides to prepare.  We got the sides five minutes before we started going through scenes.  It was funny because I was paired up with a girl.  No biggie.  But I played the suspect and she played Seely Booth.  Booth is a guy for you who don't follow "Bones".  It was fine though.  We did the scene and this CD gave us feedback and we did it a second time using her notes.  She seemed very pleased.  No opposed to the last CD workshop this CD said she will use our headshots that we gave her for future use.  She separates us into males and females and then puts us in a folder marked for the today's class.  Then when she comes across a role that fits someone she's seen she can go right to it.  "Bones" is one of my favorite shows.  I can't imagine gettng a roll on that show...or even an audition. 

Then I came home, picked up Conner and Sharon, and we went to dinner at the Daily Grill.  It was really good.  Conner was good too!  A couple that sat behind us just thought he was great.  He had on his plaid shirt and had his hair combed nice and neat.  He looked like a little senator:).  So then we came back to the apartment and just relaxed until it was time for 8:30.

Tomorrow is more sight seeing in Beverly Hills and Hollywood, and then Monday they leave to go home.  Then I see no one for six weeks.  That's going to be a long month and a half.  I hope to get work of some sort during that time to make it seem like useful time.  Anyway, that's about it.

I hope you all have a great day!

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