Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dateline: Day Twenty Eight

Ok, last day with the family.  They leave in the morning.  We woke up early again, had breakfast, took a nap, then went to Beverly Hills.  Actually we went by Man's Chinese Theater where all the hand prints and foot prints are.  But there were SO many people we decided not to stop.  So we went on to Beverly Hills where they had all the roads blocked off for some bicycle race I guess.  It was a very uneventful day.  Everything we tried was messed up.  So we went back north on the Sunset Strip and found a Wendy's to eat at in West Hollywood.  A realy nice lady with a girl a month older than Conner came in and talked to us for a while.  Then a tour bus must have let out because several Asian men came in with travel equipment.  They sat next to us and Conner was mesmerized.  He kept turning around and looking at this nice gentleman who just patted his had and laghed. 

We then left and went to Universal Studios City Walk.  It's at the entrance to Universal Studios but you only pay for parking.  Its a great big themed strip mall.  It was very cool.  We went in different stores and picked up some trinkets.  It was all businesses owned or partnered with Universal.  Check out the picture of Conner and Sharon to the left.  It's hard to see them, but they are in front of the Universal Studios trademark that spins.

We then came back, had another nap, and then went to Chevys's for dinner.   Before we left Danny Roebuck called me because he was teaching a class on Auditions and wanted me to be there. I told him that Sharon and Conner are leaving tomorrow and that I just couldn't and he responded that he totally understood. It's funny. Any other Sunday night I am never busy. But the one Sunday I have a reason not to go I get an offer for a class. Figures.

Chevy's was very good.  Our waitress was excellent.  Then we came back to the apartment and just hung out. 

I am now hearing Sharon trying to hum Conner to sleep but he's not cooperating.  His inner clock is a little off here.  He has done very well though.  At Universal he wanted to get out and walk but he won't hold your hand, so Sharon let him help push the stroller and he was fine.  If you just let him go he takes off running and you do nothing but chase him. 

Well, I am to get my headshots tomorrow.  I got a call from the photographer today saying she will work on them tonight and have them ready for me to pick up.  I am excited to get them and get going on the online roll submissions.

I also found out that there is a commercial workshop on Wednesday and a CD workshop on Thursday that I may be attending.  Wednesday the agency was here before and signed three people from that workshop.  I have been told that the easiest way to break in is to do commercials.  You can pad your resume and I have also been told that my type is good for commercials.  We'll see.  I am hopefull that something might come from this workshop.  If nothing does I'll just keep trudging forward. 

That's about it.  I hope you all have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a decent time with the family. They made it home safe and sound...I know, I drove them home myself. (No jokes!) Sorry you had to miss that class though. Maybe the workshops this week will produce something for you. Sounds promising. Good luck!!
