Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dateline: Day Thirty

So the last few days were pretty uneventful.  I saw Conner and Sharon off to go home yesterday.  It was a lot harder to say goodby than I thought it would be.  I was somewhat used to being at the apartment by myself a lot, but then they came to visit and I got to love hearing Boz on the TV or when he tried to flush my cell phone.  The visit was too short.  Now my countdown is for Thanksgiving.  That's when I will see them next. 

So the rest of yesterday was just hanging out.  I did sign up for the two workshops tomorrow and Thursday.  Tomorrow is the commercial workshop.  That's the one I am really hoping something will come out of.  We'll see. 

But today I did three loads of laundry and got ready for class.  Sarah Joe and I met early to go over the scene and our notes from last week.  We made some adjustments and it felt good.  So we went 7th out of 9 scenes.  I didn't know how John was going to react.  He didn't have one note...not one.  I have not heard him, in the four weeks I've been there, not give a note after the scene.  It's sad because that was the last time we will do that scene.  We will each move on and get new partners and new scenes.  But the scene was very fluid and crisp tonight.  Sarah did great and it was a good class.  I should get my next scene by Thursday I guess.  By the way I added Sarah's pic to the left.  It was taken tonight on a cell phone so the quality isn't the greatest.

So it's off to bed for me.  I had gotten used to going to bed early with Conner here.  But now he's gone and the class runs late.  So here I am.  It was 75 degrees today but the evenings are getting down into the mid 60's.   Burrrr!!!:)  Sorry...I guess I've already adjusted to the weather here.  Strangely it wasn't hard to do. 

I hope you all have a great day!


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