Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dateline: Day Thirty Two

Not much to report on yesterday.  I spent most of the day at the apartment.  I did have a Casting Director Workshop last night.  It went well.  My scene partner was good.  He just shot an episode of "Saving Grace" last week and had a scene with Holly Hunter.  But it went well and our funny scene got a lot of laughs. 

Then today I went and picked up my headshots!!! YEAH!!!!.  But then I went to Jerry Gelb's and compared it to the original on his computer and it was way off.  I looked yellow and my eyes were very green.  Well I am not yellow and my eyes are usually blue.  So he called the printing company and they redid them free of charge.  So I not only have the good set but I have an extra set that is a little off. 

I then came home just long enough to eat dinner and take a shower.  I had another Casting Directors Workshop tonight.  This was for the CD of "Burn Notice" "The Forgotten" and three or four pilots.  My partner and I got our scenes just before the class.  We went through it twice and then had to go in for the start of the workshop.  We were fifth or sixth so we had time to stew about the scene.:)  The scene was in a Starbucks and I was "next in line" when this lady cuts me and we argue.  It was a good, funny, well written scene.  When we were done the CD said that it was very funny and said that I "was that guy".  She gave no notes and we took our seats.  The director of The Actor's Collective, who puts the workshops on, came up to me and said that I would do great out here.  His partner came up to me after the class and said the same thing.  The casting director, as she was walking out, stopped and told me it was very funny and that I am a natural.  Well......put your money where you mouth is!!!  But she left.  The way it seems to work tells me I won't hear from her even though she is currently casting a comedy.  This is because I don't have an agent.  Not sure how to rectify that yet.  I'm working on it though. 

Now I'm home and ready for bed.  I also got my new scene for John Kirby's class.  I play a hick who conspires with his son to have his ex-wife killed by a police officer hit man for the insurance money.  I'm supposed to meet with with my new partner tomorrow evening. 

Anyway.  I hope you all have a great day!



  1. Hey Chuck! Sounds like this are going well and you've got some leads. If you still need a agent I'll do it for you. I don't know what I'm doing but that doesn't matter does it? Your head shot makes you look mature and wise in your years. If you can still check your PD email you've seen the picture of Sgt. Sisson and me with our mustaches. If not email me and I'll send it to you. Take care bud.

  2. What a great report, babe! Congrats! I just wish all these people that tell you how great you are, and that you're a natural, would offer you something! How do we get you an agent?

    I know the funds are running low, but I really hope we can find a way to keep you out there til the end of the year. I have such good feelings for you out there. You love it, and you are definitely well liked. :-) We'll figure something out.

    One of Conner's bottom i-teeth finally came through. I noticed it this morning. One more to go and we'll be done with teething for a little while.

    Love you! Talk to you soon!

  3. Still doing great I see, Know exactly how you are feeling about "putting your money where your mouth is" :)
