Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dateline: Day Thirty Five

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  Nothing much really happening since Thursday night.  I did go to class Saturday morning.  There are several kids in the class who are doing well out here.  One has five call backs for a new High School Musical movie and other projects.  Another just finished filming a new Santa Claus movie.  It's neat to see them book projects. 

I went to John D's after the class and worked on the sitcom from this past summer.  I talked to Japheth and his girlfriend, Adrien.  They talked about Central Casting which casts background in movies. So all the people behind the actors that make a scene believable.  Japheth thinks I will work everyday because of my type.  We'll see.  Japheth is going to meet me there in the morning to introduce me to the casting directors.  He worked through them when he was starting out. 

Adrien also said I can go Friday and audition for a commercial casting company who cast commercials only.  We'll se how that goes too.  Then Wednesday I have the Agent Workshop where I do a scene in front of five agents. 

Also this week I am working with the kids at John D's "Camp Halloween".  Should be fun.  Will have a chance at the end of the week to do a scene for several agents there too.  So things are a brewin'.  I just need some sort of a break. 

Anyway.  I hope you all have a great day!



  1. Sounds really good Charles. You just keep at it and don't get discouraged. Things will break for you soon and don't worry about the finances. Everything happens for a reason and that will work itself out too. Even if you have to get some part-time security job or something, who knows. Keep with it. It sounds like you have a lot of possibilities this week. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us updated! Miss ya. Melissa even commented watching the Colts yesterday that she missed you on our Sunday game days too! Talk to you soon!

  2. Keep your chin up. Sounds like there could be numerous possibilities. We all know you can do it; just have to find the right person out there to believe in you!!!

    Conner had lots of fun outside today. He definitely didn't want to come back inside!!
